Training of master trainers for govt’s MUKTA scheme begins in Bhubaneswar


Bhubaneswar: As part of capacity building programme for implementation of the Odisha government’s MUKTA scheme, the training of Master Trainers started in Bhubaneswar on Friday.

Total 60 participants consisting of the Mukhya Mantri Karma Tatpara Abhiyan (MUKTA) team and DUDA experts attending the training of members of Mission Shakti and Slum Dweller Associations from Ganjam cluster covering 18 urban local bodies (ULBs).

Sarada Prasad Panda, Joint Secretary-cum-Nodal Officer, MUKTA, who inaugurated the training programme, gave an overview of the scheme. In the closing session, Director of Municipal Administration Sangramjit Nayak spoke. Project Director, DUDA, Ganjam, all Deputy Commissioners and Executive Officers attended through video-conference.

MUKTA, an urban wage employment scheme, is under implementation at 115 cities under the 5T framework. The Housing & Urban Development department has been assigned to undertake intensive capacity-building programmes of Mission Shakti Groups and Slum Dweller Associations in partnership with Knowledge Partner “Urban Management Centre” for execution of MUKTA in all 115 ULBs of the state.

Chief minister Naveen Patnaik launched MUKTA on April 18, 2020 with a focus on reducing economic vulnerabilities and enhancing the resilience of the urban poor and migrant labourers in the face of COVID pandemic.

During the last 3 years, around 52,500 projects with an investment of Rs 756 crore have been implemented across 115 ULBs. More than 62 lakh workdays have been generated directly benefitting around 6 lakh urban poor and migrant labourers, of which 40% are women beneficiaries.

Around Rs 260 crore have been paid to wage seekers under the scheme. About 18,500 Women SHGs have partnered in the scheme for project execution and received around Rs 26 crore as supervision charges.